Another day bites the dust...Looking at the pace at which time is flying...there ain't much time before i start sprouting grey hair...
Okays....woke up way past noon and then got ready to go out....actually i promised one of my sis a after nearly a year that day came....Badly needed a shave...but since i left my razor in my room....i went to the barber's and trimmed it....looked sexy So at around 2 went to Spencer's mall and waited for her in the foodcourt. Not before long she arrived with her bunch of was the only adult amongst the bunch of kids...(they are 17...n yea qualifies as kids). Since all of them were veggies except for me...they just ordered some milkshakes in the FRUIT SHOP.... Chatted about random stuff and then they had to leave....(still kids).
Luckily my bhabi's sis was there too and since i was staying at their place...i loitered around the mall with her...and guess what, we found a place where they serve MOMO', after about 4 months i was munching them.....lovely.
Evening was kinda ok...coz after the mall we went for shopping again...she shopped, i just accompanied her...Ma..she brought two signature with that lucky coupon thingy....its funny how some people have all the luck...whereas some people like me just get...'better luck next time'..... lol....Went to landmark and finally brought a novel...after about 3 weeks...its called 'the Scions of Shannara' by Terry Brooks....If you like fantasy, you will absolutely want to read this...Wanted to buy jeans for my sis...but couldn't find anything with size 26 waist....bleh!!! she needs to eat....
Later that night...bro cooked something for dinner...yea you heard it right...BRO COOKED...god knows what was it...but it was good....watched Splitsvilla and Dance India Dance....i love watching Alisha dance....gosh i think i will take up dancing classes too...that locking and popping thingy left me speechless....wrote a post for TWL...and then finally crashed...the day was tooooooo tiring and coupled with Chennai's heat quotient....i am lucky i ain't boiled yet....
Listening to Dilli-6 the title song...."yeh dilli hai mere yaar...bas ishq, mohabbat, pyaar"
happy mother's day fellas...
Signing off now....cheerio
Hakuna Matata

20 heartbeats:
I'm going to interview Vrushali and Rakhee of DID for my blog soon! :D Do check it out later.
Do you read a lot? If you like fantasy, then you must be a LOTR fan?
yea m a huge
huz rakhee btw???
Rakhee is that contestant from Leeds, UK. The one who can't speak Hindi..only Punjabi! lol.
And yeah LOTR rocks man..lost count of how many times I've read it! love the films too.
okays.......where do yu work or anythn??
i'm still a student..gonna finish my second year (under grad) at manchester university. what about you?
student...completed 2nd year 2 days any part time jobs??
cool..i used to work at Marks and Spencers last work this year though. recession has hit everywhere. even uni has increased tuition fees like anything. crazy times!
so hw are you interviewing someone??? and for wat??
lol..i write a blog on Indian cinema ( reviews and stuff and also for Planet Bollywood. so i'm getting to interview some of the contestants.
wokay...where do you get the time for all these movies??
dunno really..i'm a big movie buff. and also want to make movies someday maybe. long term ambition!
movies fit into my schedule perfectly..:D
lol...gimme ur gtalk id
anyway, gtg now..nice talking to you! looking forward to read ur posts tmrw :)
bh.saikia (Gtalk)
add me..will talk later. cheers!
heheehhe this comment section has a full time conversation going on.. :D and spencer used to be my favorite hang out.. :) was literally jumping with joy when kfc came to spencers... nice day dude.. :)
huh???? u stay in chennai???
aww,seems lyk u stil goin strong wid de blog thngy :p
..n err, I dnt thnk u need 2 bothr abut grey hair ryt now *straight faced*
thanx to you gal....thanx to you
so u enjoyin' a chat here :P
self praisin'..lookin' sexy,eh??:P:P
n yeah rite, anyone younger to u is a kid...its a fact :D
The spencer's here in delhi is called the west gate has got lovely eating joints...kfc,tgif,golden dragon...yummmm...:D
n i hate momos..bekar:D
nice to hear your bro cooked...even we got a new entrant in a family,who happens to be a guy and a great cook :D
p.s.--sorry for readin' it late...n i liked Kajal's guest post idea...thinkin' of celebratin' my 25th post d same way...n guess who m i goin' to invite for the guest post :D:D
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