Hey FL and Rose,
First of all, thanks a lot for inviting me to do the first post of Saturday Night Fever! Thank you for honoring me like this! :)
Alright guys and girls, for those who don't know me... here is a small introduction. I am Aarthi Venkatesh, known as Artz in the blog world! I am an English Literature graduate by education and an Architectural Consultant by profession! Fancy eh...? :P
I have been blogging for the last six months or so... and trust me, blogging is one thing that keeps me at peace with myself amidst this hectic job profile... I am supposedly the youngest CEO at the age of 21!??!
Today is Saturday (obviously it would be, since it is SNF for which I am writing) and the day began as usual... work and more of it! I have a meeting at Le Meridian Hotel in the evening and just after I am done with it, I am going to be leaving for my 3 day vacation! Yays!
Last few days of my life have been amazing! Want to know why? Ah, simple! I have made some new friends (Age no bar) and they have really been a blessing in disguise for me... some of them are FL, Rose, Sona, Leo, Roshni, Pulkit...trust me...they are so sweet!
I had always wanted to be someone who had loads of friends... not in the sense that friends with whom I can hang out... but FRIENDS in the true sense of it... some people whom I can look up to! I am a little introvert in the beginning and that had usually got me into a bit of trouble. You know something? It is all about 'Shedding all The Inhibitions' we have.
Lets not talk about anyone else here... lets talk about ME and how I did it!
I told you all that I was quite introvert, but that landed me into some serious problems with my acquaintances with whom I could have been great friends, I lost them all! I took a lot of time to realize that it was the fault on my part... I never tried to mingle with people, I never tried to shed all the inhibitions I had!
Secondly, I had to take up my dad's business after my graduation! I was so so so pessimistic about it! I had certain pre-conceived notions before even giving it a try! I cried, wailed, went into depression, but at the end of it... I was just hurting myself and the time was flying by! I understood what I need to do and here I am... with my dad, learning from the best brain of the industry and may be a very young CEO of an organisation! :)
Once you shed all those inhibitions you have, your soul will surely taste freedom...! May be at points in life you would not be able to do whatever you had wanted to but be rest assured, what Life is offering you today is for something better!
My second point of discussion here would be to respect each and everyone. Respect your parents, friends, your better half, your kids, neighbours...everyone for that matter! It will make you better than what you are...
With this philosophy I would want to end this post right here! I know this was way too boring for a start FL and Rose, hope you guys forgive me for this!
Love ya all...
Image Courtesy
Hmmmm...so the birthday hangover remains for at least a month for me:D
So, finally, I get to go to my granny's place, almost after 3 yrs, for a short stay!
I miss all of the 7 cousins together, but this time, it was 4 of us, but things had change, really!
I went to granny to stay with her, and Daadu, for they are now very old...Daadu hardly cares about anything else in his life, but wants everyone to be with him all the time...he doesn't recognize anyone, except my nani and uncle...and that's all he cares...I love you Daadu:)
My granny rocks...80+ but what enthusiasm she sports...:)
Anyways, I went on a shopping spree,went to Select City Walk, I guess its the largest in Delhi, got a nice patiala salwar(M really fascinated by them, they look cute), a cool t-shirt, another pair of shoes, went to KFC( FL...be J,at least while reading' this :P), had a twister meal, while coming back, fell on the road due to some stupid divider, bruised both of my knew, and it still hurts...phew!
Rest of my days there were alright.
Met an old friend there, poor girl took a gap year, like me, to sit for medical entrance, and now, after clearing them, doesn't want to go to a medical college, something that happened to me last year, but atleast I had time, I wonder what she's going to do now... Seriously, wisdom strikes us, after we get the stupid thing that we desperately want!
Anyways, got back home, had a date...the lonely McD, where no one goes now, so its kind of good for ppl like us :D
Then my sister and her husband came to my place, surprise me with a new guitar, and strumming it all the time, this what I do now!
Then finally, drove my dad's car today...aaaaaahhhh...seriously, I started sweating the moment I stepped into it, the responsibility was more killing than the tension of how I 'll drive...but thankfully, I drove good enough, without any jhatkas of the Delhi road :D
Its too hot to survive in Delhi nowadays, the heat is killing, but I'm loving this, since I know only few days left for me to stay here, and admire my native land...I love you Delhi, and miss you like Hell:(
Anyways, should end now...:)
Till the next time,
hey folks.....MDR and MS-R is currently on a break....
'Oh c'mon! It's fine. ..here's your coffee. So, seems like you are not from this place?' asked Sameer
"I don't know what I was trying to do by saying something like that" Aisha replied, not paying any attention to Sameer's question.
"Ah ha...it's ok girl! You are a fresher and everyone has to go through this. You were a bit outspoken though, shouldn't have called the senior by that name, this is not ragging afterall, just a li'l bit of introduction and all, it was just something to get you know better"
"yeah, I know. I was just so nervous, I didnt realize what I was saying..."said Aisha looking nowhere.
"Forget about it. This is not school, even they will forget it tomorrow. Cheer up. By the way I'm Sameer"
"Aisha. Which subject? I'm from english"
"Hey me too! Seems like I made a friend...its already time, lets go to the classrom then"
Sameer got up, and she followed, still not sure about going in the class. They are in the cafeteria of METRO HOUSE, the best in the town, and perhaps in India. Requires a lot of hard work to get in there.
So they entered the classroom, took the third desk from the front, which was occupied by two other students.
"Hi...I'm Manisha."the girl already sitting there said to them. They sat besides her.
The other student sitting there was a guy, who didn't notice that he was having some seat partners.
Sameer looked at him hopefully but he ignored.
"He's...ummm...well I don't know...but seems like a wierdo. Thank God you came.." whispered Manisha, but surely the geek heard him.
"By the way you are..??"
"I'm Sameer and she is Aisha" replied Sameer, but was interrupted..."OMG! You are that girl...who in the canteen...Oh wow! I'm pleased to meet you!" Manisha was almost screaming, but good for Aisha that no one else listened.
"Well yes, I'm the same girl. Glad I was not required to introduced myself!" she said,turning red with both anger and embarrassment.
"Oh...It was actually very brave and stupid of you, but no issues, no one is going to remember it anyways." Manisha said in a matter of fact tone.
Sameer second her, "See...I told you".
The door opened and a very young and beautiful lady entered their classroom, the class went quiet and only the sound of the fan creaking overhead could be heard.It was hard to believe that she was a teacher.
"Good morning class. I'm Miss Sahay, your professor for the first class. Before I take the attendance, please take down your schedule for the week." she turned towards the white board, a very formal teacher.
Check out for The One in which they meet....2, coming up soon!
Hmmm...I had a beautiful Birthday yesterday:)
Got up in the morning to find so many wishes at the lounge and at my blog:)
Really, it made my day...thank you all:)
Had an usual start for the day, got up at 7...went for the driving lessons, came back...had my phn ringing like hell..hehehee...felt great!
Dad handed me some good amount so that I can buy whatever I like since he didnt get anytime to get me some gift:D
Then mom prepared my favourite sweet dish..hehehe....its a rutual for 17th June every year!
Accepted call from all my friends and family members...talked to many long lost friends...who suddenly remembered my birthday:D
Made a plan to go out with family for a dinner, as mom suddenly became to emotional saying, she'll be starting college which require her to move out of Delhi, may be we wont be able to celebrate her b'day for next 4 yrs...for heaven's sake mom, I'm not being disowned by the family!!
Till 4 in the evening I was exhausted talking on phone...then I slept.
My sis came within an hour of that, dragged me to a mall, made me buy some clothes, that made me look gorgeous:D
Honestly I loved my dress:D
Anyways, my sis was confused about what to gift me! Then finally she had to let her surprise out, and take my help in buying me gift.:D
SHe gave me three options-assorted fast track accessories, ipod or a new guitar! Now honestly, I didnt need anything from these...I mean when I'll need them I'll buy them..nothing like that.
But then, I guess she hated this answers, and called her husband, complanin' about me..:P
Then we went to the yellow chillies to book a table for 8..had a small dinner with di and her family. My sis didnt have a luck yesterday I supppose, she suddenly asked the manager there if they can manage a cake, and then relized that I was with her, and yet again, she ruined the surprise...had an hearty laugh:P:P
Well, then came back home, got dressed, went to the restaurant, waited fr di's family, they came had a beautiful dinner...:D
Sanjeev Kapoor rocks :D:D
Then came back home, slept...zzzzzzzzz!
Got up in the morning, went for my classes again, came back home, went to school to get some document attested by the principal...but hell..she's was out of the nation, and will be back after the document submission's last date :P....was shocked to hear that, but I guess the c\school will manage...
Had a different sendation when I enetered school almost after one year...I just prayed that I dont bump into some old teacher of mine...uhuhuh...I hated school like anythin', and still do..no I dont miss my school days...they were the worst!
Then wen on a date with my guy. He gifted me some archie comics(actually loads of them..yay!Thanks dude:D), and the latest chetan bhagat book...though m not a fan of his, yeah bt liked the book about the iitd...five points someone i guess its called. I dont know why I got this book...may be my guy has an attatchment to eveything attatched to the the iit's( *sib* he'll be leavin' soon for his new clg..:()
So went for a movie with him...we were meeting after a long span of 5-6 months...so it was quiet good. Then suddenly i started feeling sick, so had to rush back home, and thus went the lunch plan:(
The heat got me...its very bad in Delh..(tho I hope its better than chennai atleast FL) ...took some medicines, and had a sound sleep...got up and posted for WL...and now here I'm writing for the scribblings..sorry if I ored you...queit a long post, but FL asked me to atleast write about my birthday on the scribblings...bless him..he called me 6 in the morning to wish:)
Till the next time,
Hey folks....sorry about the delay. But its kinda good in a way....gave me time to think and write instead of just ranting nonsense. I was busy paying my broadband bill...hence the delay while Gulabo...was busy doing her shopping....lol
Ok, Ok...I was not supposed to drop in now, but I guess its fine to write now since the scribbling didn't see a new post today :D
I'll start from 15th June morning. I got as usual at 7...rushed for my driving class, gave the trainer a tough time, and then returned back. I had some work at the bank, so went there, and bumped into my guy. We resolved our fight there..hehehe...perfect place and time :D
The heat is killing, but still I prefferd walking back home. Then came back home, downloaded the college forms, filled some of them, then played Hell's Kitchen on Fb( damn I'm hooked to it, and now I cant beat my own score!). Then again played some more games online...hmmm...finally I'm living the life I always wanted to. The day ended with more strategy games :D
Then saw the sunrise of 16th June...went for the driving session...honestly, the guy is losing patience now!:D
Came back, went for a walk. My mum told dad to to bring 2litres of milk the next day, so that she can make paayesh for my birthday. Then suddenly my dad realized that it was my birthday. He insisted that we all go out for shopping...but I told him I cant go without my sis, so he took me to the mall to buy some nice pairs of footwear :D
I gave him, as well as the attendant a tough time selecting the correct pair for me...:D
Finally settled for 3 pairs. I fell in love with this particular pair which would go perfectly with one of my dress..hehehe:D
I was about to go to the cash counter, when one of the attendant called-"Madam ji ye defected hai!"
I was pretty cool because I thought obviously they would have another pair...but they didn't!!uhuhuhuh...I loved them :(
I want them :(
The other showroom of the brand is in south Delhi...uhuhuh...i live in north delhi!
Therefore I walked home with just one pair...yeah I didn't take the third one because dad felt it a bit outdated...I doubt if I should have trusted him about this one thing-what's in and what's not! Anyways, he was paying, so didn't question actually :D
On my way back home, stopped by a bookshop...picked up Brida, Trust Me and Accident.
Trust Me caught my attention because it's written by some very young Indian girl...My friend suggested me the Danielle Steel's book, and I bought the Brida because I couldn't the find the alchemist.
And yes, bought myself one Twilight book too...the spice of life, some strange fantasies :D
Finally wrote my post for 100 days completion, if you are reading this, do visit my blog :P
Looking for for tommorrow:D
Till the next time,
P.S. My mum is quiet happy that I didnt get any more pair of shoes for myself, she feels the room is too crowded to accomodate anything new...!
And yes, just had a fight with my best friend, who is out of balance and wants me to call him tonight at 12 so that he can wish me!!Limit!
And I just saw that I'm one of the "admins" of this blog:D:D:D
Thanks re FL!!
14th June......exactly 4 months after Valentine's day! So??? Nothing....just remembered my Valentine's day celebration....and no am not saying about it here....some other time, maybe in 'a tryst with my past' section....whatever....LATER!!!!
Yesterday was a kind of romantic day for me!!! lol...who am i fooling??? lol....been with my gal for about 6 days now......and it has been awesome to tell you the truth. but sigh she is leaving for her native tonight. I am going to miss my gal....a lot. yea now back to basics....woke up at 12 noon!!! 12 noon!!!! Can you believe it??? didn't do anything the whole afternoon.....lunch was pure veg!!! well am not really a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian......am a dessertarian!!!! But still i can manage ghaas-phoos. Came online and checked and tweak my blogs....and this was how my boring day was spent.
By the time it was 2p.m i was fed up with my life....the chennai heat coupled with the paralysis of my brain cells drove me to the brink of insanity....literally! Maddy was watching 'Bolt'...but fell asleep midway....silly female!!!! I kinda like looking at her when she is sleeping....and while i stared at her like a lost puppy, i too fell asleep. So we two lovebirds slept peacefully....while she dreamt of having a pup like BOLT, i was dreaming of the Baywatch babes!!! kidding!!! my gal says i bluff a lot....again kidding....lol. Soon the skies darkened, no there was no rain....only the sun that was finally setting way beyond the expanse of the sea! At around 7, we moved away from the hot and warm and safe and buggingly itchy environment of the house and went out. Maddy wanted to have tandoori and i was broke!!! Well she paid this one time!!!
Reached home by 9...and everyone was watching Fanaa. Now that movie holds a special place in my heart. My first movie with my gal and ahem ahem......i will let your imagination run riot here guys. Oh yea...watched T20!!! god i hate those fuckers!!!! the Blues had let me down! Bro came online to chat at around 1a.m. oh yea!!!! I have a new sister!!! one more to the already overpopulated list!!! still am happy!!! And i can guess mj's pretty happy too!!! Lucky bastard! So pj is officially my sister now!!! Anyways that's it folks....love you all.
Now am just sitting pretty jobless......Maddy says hi to you all...Say hi fellas...be good kids
Hakuna Matata
Hm mm...So your very own freelancer just randomly asked me if I would like to start a series on my daily ramblings. Initially, I was pretty unsure of it, as I know people would definitely wont want to read about what I do al the day long, because my life is not so adventurous as freelancer's...So I decided to start this series, which I can update every now and then, and thu it wont be a daily affair to bore the readers :P:P
So freelancer, this is the surprise I was talking about :D
I guess I'm back in my old form now. I did a lot of things yesterday and tomorrow...wrote the first chapter of the new series, soon to be a part of this blog, and may be WL if the admins agree, and mailed it to Freelancer, who is definitely going to change it all :P :D
The week had been bad, I broke my sister's new car, for which I'm never going to forgive myself...:( It was the most terrifying day of my life, as I sat stupidly and did nothing but cried and cried...at the same time thanked God that no one was hurt..:D
Had an exam today, some self -proclaimed Govt. institution, of which I dont have any idea, but just for the sake of a Delhi college, I took the exam. I actually didnt study for it, and had my mom running after my life, wth the books in her hand :D
Hmmm...then wrote and acro for my guy, but alas...cant send it to him write now, as I had a fight with him(so FL dont try my number for few days, I have switched it off:P)...when will the bhala aadmi realise...:(
Anyways, I'm having a tough time selecting which college to study...hmphhhh...loads of options, and the poor me!
As I said, there's nothing much to write about my life, but I really love this idea of scribbling everday, or may be every week :D
And yes, I'm writing a post for my 100 day celebration of my blog, its going to be a nice surprise..:P
I guess I shall leave now, have to go for shopping:D
Till the next time,
P.S. The logo for this series...see I have to do something to kill my time :D
And you are supposed to put it on your page :P
Evening came and evening went.....later at around 7, we went to the place where we always visit when we are jobless....SPENCER PLAZA.....i got a new novel for myself....and then there was KFC again...Nobody can stop me or Maddy....from KFC....lol...ate like cannibals in a somewhat distinguished manner...lol....after a few hours of loitering around...we reached back by 10. And in between there was an unfortunate incident of losing our way....lol...in an auto!!!
Upon reaching, watched the final episode of Splitsvilla!!! Joanna lost! Mummy!!! i so wanted to cry out...that's it folks...another day bites the dust
Am listening to Robin Sparkles now....'sandcastles in the sand'....
Cheerio...see you tomorrow
Noon folks....its late i know....
So woke up at 6 a.m yesterday just to write the blog...hehe..and then again slept til 12. When i woke up, bhabi wasn't at home. sigh! The inconvenience of being an air hostess! But hey it pays!!! Bro was still sleeping....off day for him.
When you wake up at 12 noon and when the sun is at the highest peak, you really don't feel like doing anything. I just managed to have a cup of tea. Found dear old maggi somewhere....and yay!!! ate that! Goofed around a bit in the lounge, finally reincarnated my old blog back from the ashes. I hate my cell...the mic is not working and its a bother trying to fix the bluetooth thingy in my ear all the time! Okays so me and my gal came to Nafi's place by evening. Everyone was like lets go out and all....So eight of us....i.e four couples....lol.....went to Citi Center. Maddy was super happy as she brought a lot of clothes for herself. I got myself the essential Calvin and Hobbes collection.....Later that night when i told Dad about it, he was like...'u spent more than 650 bucks for some comics that you find in the newspaper!!!'.....lol
Oh yeah....ate in KFC.....hehe....eight Zingkong Boxes. People were staring at us left, right and center! gah! who gives a shit!? We all love KFC.....don't we?? So as expected it was crammed with people....mostly 20 somethings like us. I wanted to buy a FCUK shirt....but the price tag prevented any other intentions. Ironic, innit?? How a tiny piece of paper stuck awkwardly at the back of a dress can stop you right there!!!.....reminding you that, my boy, you still have sometime left before you can own me!!! Okay fooding...been there, done that! We headed to Fun City to play those sweet as well as silly arcade games. Shot some hoops, played ice hockey.....until had no money to recharge the card!!!!
It was 10p.m and the last stop was INOX. God! got tickets for Kal Kissne Dekha!!! aw man!!! i would rate it 5 outta 10. out of which 3 is for the new chick! The ending was horrible! Story-wise its good, but coudn't do justice to it!!! And honestly saying....i could've acted better...lol
Anyways....this was how 12th June fared....lol
By the way, a new series will be out every Saturday starting from 20th....in Scribblings and in WL....no more saying!!!
Hakuna Matata
aah....the day started way late for me...it was about noon when i woke up...college already opened for the semester, but just like a true student....bunked the very first day itself.
Did i forgot to mention in my last post that i stayed at Nafi's place last night?? oh yea! So my gal came to her place to wake me up...hehe....actually she will go back to her hometown for a month....and i just can't bear the thought of missing any more seconds without her. So we just lazed around at her place. It was much much better than loafing around in this terrible heat! And god o god, you dunno what chennai heat is in the middle of june. Nafs cooked lunched for us...it was something i never tasted before....with egg and all....but it was....umm....delumptious!

hey folks, Now the post just below me by gulabo really touched my heart. I was thinking of writing in this blog after another few days but then her post didn't allow me the privilege and finally i had to write this. Thanx Rose, for moving my lazy bum. Btw am writing a poem for TWL too....it will be posted sometime later this week and you can bet your life its gonna be awesome!!! hehe....self praising!!! what to do..i love what i write...no matter how crap it might be.... Well actually am a bit flattered that atleast gulabo and a few people missed me....oh how much i love you for missing me...That's all the inspiration i need... So am back...and today is 10th of May! And am back to Chennai again...god save me from this heat.
Woke up at 7 in the morning n literally fell down from the first bunk in the train. Chennai was due to arrive in half an hour...so brushed as soon as possible....got dressed, no bath though! you go and bath in a train! By the time it was 8, I in chennai central with sweat trickling down my body into the uncomfortable positions. My roomie and me decided to make the smart choice of hiring a cab to escape the heat. The only thing is that it didn't turn up to be that smart. Bloody craphead managed to make us part with 600 bucks! When we reached, the place was a mess...
Out came the brooms and thus an ordeal of an hour started in which we cleared the place of spiders and dust!!! Watched a movie...and then F.R.I.E.N.D.S....yet again....lol....oh yea had pizza at around 4....welcome back Domino's....lol
Came out to meet my gal...finally met her after about 2 months....and then fought....lol... hehe...now m at mah friend's place....day was pretty boring...hope something really awesome happens tomorrow....that's it folks...still a bit rusty...also had to write in WL.
P.S| Gulabo....don't give up...life has just started for ye! Am there for you all the way upto the steps of hell....and then no more....thanx again...n hows the draft of the series???
Ummm...alright hi!
Your very own freelancer is back in his hometown, enjoying his mother's homemade food, the company of his kid sister, so all these things most of the times keep a person away from the virtual world of which he's a part when he's away from the real people. In Freelancer's case, I'm sure finding the homely environment, in a college like his is pretty difficult.
So, this very beautiful writer( by beautiful I mean his way of writing, nothing else:P), called me up, congratulating on my results, and then telling me which colleges are meant to drive students mad, and then finally saying with a pride and sigh of relief in his voice "I'm a 50 pc engineer now, 2 more years to go...that's about it!Yay!"
Hmmm, your freelancer will be back with a bang, I know, though I'm not sure when its gonna happen, and being a part of this blog, I cant lose all the readers. (Alright alright, I know I cant write like him,I'm actually nowhere near him, but you see, if we lose readership, I'll be the one who'll be blamed! A girl on leave is supposed to be more vella than a guy on a holiday:)
So, if I'm elligible to write about my daily ramblings--
Today was my best and worst day of life tll date! I bumped into a very old friend of mine almost after 12 years, suddenly! I was damn happy...but then the almighty power above cant see me happy for long. My sis came to my place in her new swift, and forced me to drive it...and I bumped it into a tree...and the rest of my day was spent crying and crying:(( Its not like that she scolded me or something, but I was really feeling bad for the new car..:((
Anyways, I better off to sleep...very tired after crying for almost the whole day..:D
Till the next time(I hope its freelancer then, so that I dont boter you with my gibbering),